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Troy University: Teacher Education Ranking 2024

Troy UniversityRanked
in the USA
Troy University is a medium-sized public college with some focus on teacher education majors and located in Troy, Alabama. The school is operating since 1887 and is currently offering bachelor's, certificates, and master's degrees in 9 teacher education programs.

Troy University is a little bit expensive: depending on the program, tuition cost is about $21,000 per year. If you seek a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Alabama listing.

Recent studies showed that Troy University area is relatively safe - the school is reported to have a fair rating for campus security.

Based on 65 evaluation criteria, Troy University teacher education program ranks #594 Teacher Education School (out of 2281; top 30%) in USA and #9 Teacher Education School in Alabama. Major competing teacher education schools for this school are Vanderbilt University in Nashville and Emory University in Atlanta. Check the details about all twelve competing teacher education colleges and offered teacher education majors and minors below.

ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Teacher Education programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#9 Teacher Education School in Alabama
#132 Teacher Education School in the Southeast
#594 Teacher Education School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Third Best Applied Science Teacher Education Program in Alabama
Third Best Continuing Education Program in Alabama
#6 Foreign Language Teacher Education Program in Alabama
#6 Early Childhood Education Program in Alabama
#7 Humanities Teacher Education Program in Alabama
#8 Student Counselling Program in Alabama
#8 Educational Administration Program in Alabama
#9 Secondary Education Program in Alabama
#9 Elementary Education Program in Alabama
#9 General Education Program in Alabama

Regional Ranking

#55 Applied Science Teacher Education Program in the Southeast
#64 Continuing Education Program in the Southeast
#69 Secondary Education Program in the Southeast
#70 Foreign Language Teacher Education Program in the Southeast
#97 Student Counselling Program in the Southeast
#98 Early Childhood Education Program in the Southeast

National Ranking

#216 Continuing Education Program in USA

More program rankings:

You could be interested in alternative options to get accepted at Troy University:
Psychology Programs - ranked top 30% in USA
Also, see how Troy University has been ranked among graduate schools in Alabama.

Contact information:

Troy University
University Avenue
Troy, AL 36082-0001
Phone: (334) 670-3100

Location map:

Troy University Location Map

Teacher Education majors:

Bachelor's degree

Early Childhood Education and Teaching
Elementary Education and Teaching
Multiple Levels Teacher Education
Secondary Education and Teaching
Technical Teacher Education

Postbaccalaureate certificate

Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching

Master's degree

Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching
Counselor Education and Guidance Services
Early Childhood Education and Teaching
Elementary Education and Teaching
General Educational Leadership and Administration
Multiple Levels Teacher Education
Secondary Education and Teaching
Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Post-master's certificate

Counselor Education and Guidance Services
Early Childhood Education and Teaching
Elementary Education and Teaching
General Educational Leadership and Administration

Teacher Education minors:

Bachelor's degree

Elementary Education and Teaching

Local competitors:

Vanderbilt University - Teacher Education School Ranking
Vanderbilt University

Nashville, TN, 33 teacher education programs

Emory University - Teacher Education School Ranking
Emory University

Atlanta, GA, 5 teacher education programs

University of Florida - Teacher Education School Ranking
University of Florida

Gainesville, FL, 48 teacher education programs

Florida State University - Teacher Education School Ranking
Florida State University

Tallahassee, FL, 35 teacher education programs

University of Georgia - Teacher Education School Ranking
University of Georgia

Athens, GA, 71 teacher education programs

Clemson University - Teacher Education School Ranking
Clemson University

Clemson, SC, 35 teacher education programs

Auburn University - Teacher Education School Ranking
Auburn University

Auburn, AL, 35 teacher education programs

University of South Carolina Columbia - Teacher Education School Ranking
University of South Carolina Columbia

Columbia, SC, 39 teacher education programs

The University of Tennessee Knoxville - Teacher Education School Ranking
The University of Tennessee Knoxville

Knoxville, TN, 22 teacher education programs

Union University - Teacher Education School Ranking
Union University

Jackson, TN, 33 teacher education programs

Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College

Baton Rouge, LA, 26 teacher education programs

The University of West Florida - Teacher Education School Ranking
The University of West Florida

Pensacola, FL, 14 teacher education programs

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