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Schools Offering Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degrees

In 2024, we reviewed 35 schools providing applied science teacher education associate's degrees.

The best applied science teacher education associate's degree program in the United States is offered by Eastern Kentucky University. That school has an excellent applied science teacher education associate's degree program evaluated with five stars for curriculum and four stars for teaching.

Check the top schools awarding applied science teacher education associate's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Applied science teacher education associate's degree schools:

Eastern Kentucky University - Teacher Education School Ranking
1. Eastern Kentucky University

Located in Richmond, Kentucky

Murray State University - Teacher Education School Ranking
2. Murray State University

Located in Murray, Kentucky

Western Kentucky University - Teacher Education School Ranking
3. Western Kentucky University

Located in Bowling Green, Kentucky

Southern Adventist University - Teacher Education School Ranking
4. Southern Adventist University

Located in Collegedale, Tennessee

Fort Hays State University - Teacher Education School Ranking
5. Fort Hays State University

Located in Hays, Kansas

Stone Child College - Teacher Education School Ranking
6. Stone Child College

Located in Box Elder, Montana

Fox Valley Technical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
7. Fox Valley Technical College

Located in Appleton, Wisconsin

Brookdale Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
8. Brookdale Community College

Located in Lincroft, New Jersey

Central New Mexico Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
9. Central New Mexico Community College

Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Bellingham Technical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
10. Bellingham Technical College

Located in Bellingham, Washington

Alpena Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
11. Alpena Community College

Located in Alpena, Michigan

El Camino Community College District - Teacher Education School Ranking
12. El Camino Community College District

Located in Torrance, California

Fullerton College - Teacher Education School Ranking
13. Fullerton College

Located in Fullerton, California

Western Wyoming Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
14. Western Wyoming Community College

Located in Rock Springs, Wyoming

Odessa College - Teacher Education School Ranking
15. Odessa College

Located in Odessa, Texas

Casper College - Teacher Education School Ranking
16. Casper College

Located in Casper, Wyoming

Metropolitan Community College Kansas City - Teacher Education School Ranking
17. Metropolitan Community College Kansas City

Located in Kansas City, Missouri

Vincennes University - Teacher Education School Ranking
18. Vincennes University

Located in Vincennes, Indiana

Fresno City College - Teacher Education School Ranking
19. Fresno City College

Located in Fresno, California

Cecil College - Teacher Education School Ranking
20. Cecil College

Located in North East, Maryland

Indian Hills Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
21. Indian Hills Community College

Located in Ottumwa, Iowa

Coahoma Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
22. Coahoma Community College

Located in Clarksdale, Mississippi

Danville Area Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
23. Danville Area Community College

Located in Danville, Illinois

Delta College - Teacher Education School Ranking
24. Delta College

Located in Bay City, Michigan

Greenville Technical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
25. Greenville Technical College

Located in Greenville, South Carolina

Bates Technical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
26. Bates Technical College

Located in Tacoma, Washington

Baltimore City Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
27. Baltimore City Community College

Located in Baltimore, Maryland

Spartanburg Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
28. Spartanburg Community College

Located in Spartanburg, South Carolina

Trident Technical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
29. Trident Technical College

Located in Charleston, South Carolina

York Technical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
30. York Technical College

Located in Rock Hill, South Carolina

Northeastern Technical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
31. Northeastern Technical College

Located in Cheraw, South Carolina

Isothermal Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
32. Isothermal Community College

Located in Spindale, North Carolina

Midlands Technical College - Teacher Education School Ranking
33. Midlands Technical College

Located in West Columbia, South Carolina

Cerritos College - Teacher Education School Ranking
34. Cerritos College

Located in Norwalk, California

Lenoir Community College - Teacher Education School Ranking
35. Lenoir Community College

Located in Kinston, North Carolina

Applied science teacher education associate's degrees by state:

Schools by State4 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in California1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Illinois1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Indiana1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Iowa1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Kansas3 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Kentucky2 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Maryland2 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Michigan1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Mississippi1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Missouri1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Montana1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in New Jersey1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in New Mexico2 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in North Carolina6 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in South Carolina1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Tennessee1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Texas2 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Washington1 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Wisconsin2 Applied Science Teacher Education Associate's Degree Schools in Wyoming

Other applied science teacher education diplomas:

Certificates: 64 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 366 schools
Master's Degrees: 172 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 16 schools

Other teacher education associate's degrees:

General Education: 257 schools
Educational Administration: 9 schools
Educational Research: 5 schools
Health Education: 35 schools
Physical Education: 62 schools
Foreign Language Teacher Education: 21 schools
Humanities Teacher Education: 40 schools
Math Teacher Education: 35 schools
Natural Science Teacher Education: 25 schools
Social Science Teacher Education: 5 schools
Student Counselling: 1 school
Teacher Assistance: 126 schools
Early Childhood Education: 510 schools
Elementary Education: 193 schools
Middle School Education: 30 schools
Secondary Education: 94 schools
Continuing Education: 19 schools
Alternative Education: 7 schools
Special Education: 91 schools

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